Every day when I open my favorite websites, this blog is among them. I open it as a reminder to start writing again and every day I guiltily scoot past it, glancing at its browser tab and shifting my gaze to the next tab to avoid thinking about just how far behind I've fallen in updating it.
So much has changed in my life since my last post and so many changes are ahead in the near future. It's hard to fathom restarting the blog and trying to explain the sequence of events that led to where I am today. Of course, there's always the option of starting a new blog, and I will start a new one, but one to run in parallel with this one, not to replace it.
In trying to figure out how to restart my blog I have come up with a 'middle of the road' solution. I'm not going to go into a lengthy treatise about how and why I got to where I am today and I'm not going to just skip to today and pretend I've been here all along. Instead, I'll do a quick rundown of where I was when the last entry was written and where I am today. As for where I'll be in the future, that's a matter for future posts.
My last entry is from May 15th, 2008. At the time I was married and living the generally acknowledged yuppie paradise - husband, child, house, car, beloved cat, job, and money. My present and future by all accounts was something most people would kill for and probably had. And yet, I was unhappy and grasping at straws to find a reason to get up most mornings.
Today's entry is six months later, almost to the day... I'm in the middle of an exceptionally amicable divorce from my husband who is still my friend. I have moved out of the house and into a lovely condo, taking my books, my clothes and my cat. I still have my job (which I love) and my car (which I have a healthy respect for) and most mornings I wake up so deliriously happy that it feels as if I'm waking up into a dream.
I'm restarting my blog for a couple of reasons... One, because I expect and hope for a lot more changes in the months and years to come and this is one way for me to parse my thoughts. And two, because I'm starting another blog alongside this one and this is one way of introducing it. To see my new blog, look for the link on the right hand side in the section entitled "My other life".
Like I said, the two blogs will run somewhat in parallel which seems only fitting since my two lives run in parallel as well. Happy reading!
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