You are supposed to ask yourself what would you spend that money on? The general idea here is that even if you have unlimited funds, you will likely end up spending it on things you imagine will make you happy, but in reality won't. By going through this exercise, you should come to a realization that it's not lack of money that's keeping you from getting things that would make you happy, it's the choices you make.
It's not a novel concept, I've seen the same line of thought in numerous other posts and articles, especially on sites aimed at women. Usually, I just breeze by it but this time it got me thinking. If I had unlimited funds, what would I buy? The answer took less time than it took to formulate the question...
I wouldn't buy anything for the simple reason that I don't lack for anything that I can buy. Sure, I could find things to spend money on - books, pens, notebooks, office supplies - but there is nothing in particular that I am pining for and feel unable to afford. I don't want ridiculously expensive jewelry or clothes. I don't need a huge house or a car that costs more than I earn in a year. My tastes just don't run to things like that.
For me money is not a purchasing tool, it's a symbol of security. If I had all the money I could want, I would save it. How much money would I need to have saved in order to feel secure? A million? Five? Ten? I can't quantify it - security is priceless.
The feeling of security is what I would spend money on if I had all the money in the world.
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