Aug 26, 2012

Resolution Revolution

Writing Exercise 2

Note: So, on this one I had to actually do it in the book itself as there is a page with letters sprinkled through the lines and it's not something I can faithfully replicate here.  Here is the product of the exercise.  The given letters are in Bold Yellow to stand out just as they do in the book.

Use each letter as you get to it.
Start with: New Year's resolutions make me...

New Year's resolutions make me wistful for a better me.  Logically I understand that there is nothing special about the End of a year - each day is a new opportunity. Why then does the 1st of Yet another year fill me with such hope and dread?  I'm prEdisposed to self-improvement.  Always have been, but there is a speciAl kind of urgency with each year that Races past.  Some things I'm now past improving on, but I still resolve to do them.  Some might call it optimistic Rather than delusional; perhaps it's a misguided attempt to be kind.  PridE and total unwillingneSs to give up or admit that something is beyOnd me is really what drives me to make resolutions, be it New Year's Eve or the middLe of the week.  WithoUt resolutions and goals to push yourself To achieve, what is the point of getting up in the morning?  So, perhaps I take it to an extreme on occasion, but no One is privy to my resolutions but me.  So what if they are unrealistic or undoubtedly bouNd to fail?  In the end no one will know that I've resolved to do anything more than to get out of bed and soldier on... one unrealistic resolution at a time.


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