Dec 23, 2011

What binds us

We are all bound... 

By circumstances of our birth, circumstances of our lives, responsibilities, needs, desires, repercussions of past deeds.

What binds you?  What keeps you on your current path?  Contentment with your lot?  Acceptance of what you cannot change?  Unwillingness to risk changing what you can?

If we are all bound in one way or another, are we ever truly free?  Would we even want to be?  Freedom within that which holds and grounds you can sometimes feel like a bird free within its cage.  Confines upon confines, but what are we without them?  Free or aimlessly adrift?

Freedom is never absolute.  If not bound by convention and society, we are all still bound by our own bodies and minds, by what we are capable of achieving or what we believe we're capable of. 

What allows one to feel truly free is not a complete lack of constraints, it is the ability to live and thrive within them.

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